Junior Institute of Tourism Professionals

Junior Institute of Tourism Professionals

One of the programs' academic club for students enrolled in BS in Tourism Management





"Empowering CHEFS Students: A Comprehensive Guide Towards the Importance and Benefits of First Aid Training”

By: Lucy Gel Marie Urquiza 

Last September 02, 2023, the Junior Institute of Tourism Professionals (JITP) and Association of Courier Epicurean Students (ACES) clubs under the College of Human Environmental Sciences and Food Studies (CHEFS) of the University of the Immaculate Conception collaborated in making the event successful. 

The program was headed by an opening remark of Dr. Nelca Stephany Umblero Amatong, CHEFS Dean, and formally followed by the introduction of the Davao City Chapter- Red Cross Personnel; Mr. Ronil Dela Cuesta, Ms. Mary Faith Andoy, Ms. Kay Lorenza Lu, Ms. Aleeyah Tirasol, and last but not the least, Ms. Rowena Lozano. The morning event started with a lecture on how to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). Thus, being able to provide prompt, effective first aid is essential in a world where crises and unplanned accidents can occur at any time. First aid training equips individuals with the skills and confidence to act as emergency responders, potentially saving lives, above and beyond the simple application of bandages.

Accordingly, the foundational skills that form the basis of a successful emergency response are taught to fourth-year CHEFS students as part of their core first aid training. They have the ability to assess a situation, administer CPR, and stabilize injuries until medical assistance comes. The focus is on quick thinking and action to ensure that even bystanders may play a crucial role in emergency situations.

When afternoon started, the said participants had their individual hands-on simulations wherein they must be able to demonstrate the actual use of AED and CPR on a provided mannequin. They were given scenarios and they must be able pass them to have their Red Cross Certification valid.  There were six stations all in all and they were participated first by the Tourism Management students, followed by HRIM, and Nutrition and Dietetics. Through these exercises, Red Cross personnel prepare the participants to handle difficult situations with calm and composure. This realistic approach increases retention while also giving them more confidence in their capacity to react appropriately in an emergency.

Therefore, in a world where emergencies can occur at any time, the importance of first aid training cannot be overstated. This training, which ranges from basic life-saving techniques to advanced skills, empowers individuals to take immediate action, transforming ordinary citizens into everyday heroes. When communities recognize the value of first aid education, they pave the way for a more secure and compassionate world.


"Unlocking Opportunities: A Deep Dive into the Career Symposium of Tourism Management, Hospitality, Restaurant and Institute Management, and Nutrition & Dietetics Program at the University of Immaculate Conception, Father Selga Campus" 

"Charting Paths to Success: Navigating the World of Airline Crew Essentials Seminar" 

By: Kimberly Neri 

The event was graced by the esteemed speaker Ms. Isabella D. Pedroso, a seasoned Ground Crew member of Philippine Airlines. This happened last March 20,2024 at Cecilia Hall of the University of Immaculate Conception. 

The seminar served as a beacon of inspiration for attendees eager to embark on a career in the aviation industry. Ms. Pedroso, with her wealth of experience and expertise, illuminated the path to success in the highly competitive world of aviation. Throughout the seminar, Ms. Pedroso shared invaluable insights, practical tips, and firsthand anecdotes from her illustrious career journey. From the rigorous selection process to the demands of the job, she provided attendees with a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities that await aspiring airline crew members. 

One of the key highlights of the seminar was Ms. Pedroso's emphasis on the importance of dedication, professionalism, and adaptability in the aviation industry. Drawing from her own experiences, she underscored the significance of continuous learning, resilience, and a customer-centric mindset in achieving excellence in the field. Moreover, Ms. Pedroso shed light on the diverse career paths available within the aviation industry beyond the cockpit, including ground operations, cabin crew, and management roles. Her insights encouraged attendees to explore various career opportunities and chart their own paths to success based on their interests, skills, and aspirations.

The seminar also provided a platform for networking and collaboration among attendees, allowing them to connect with like-minded individuals, industry professionals, and potential mentors. Through interactive discussions and Q&A sessions, participants had the opportunity to seek advice, gain clarity on their career goals, and forge valuable connections within the aviation community. In closing, Ms. Isabella D. Pedroso left attendees with a message of encouragement and empowerment, urging them to pursue their dreams with passion, perseverance, and determination. As the curtains drew to a close on the seminar, attendees departed with renewed inspiration and a clearer sense of direction as they embarked on their journey towards a rewarding career in the skies. 

The "Charting Paths of Success: Navigating the World of Airline Crew Essential Seminar" was indeed a resounding success, thanks to the invaluable contributions of Ms. Isabella D. Pedroso and the unwavering support.. As aspiring aviators continue to navigate the skies of opportunity, they can rest assured that they are equipped with the knowledge, guidance, and inspiration needed to soar to new heights in the dynamic world of aviation. 


A.Y. 2023 - 2024 ACTIVITIES